Insanity and corruption of the Universe
Concentration camps are back again
Third Reich is here between us
Total slaughter is only rule
Kill to live, live to kill
Mass extermination, black death
The corrosion of the world is done
WAR !!!
The radiation corroses our faces
Over mutilated corpses we have to march
Destructed empires, where is God now?
That calls himself the redeemer of the mankind
Infernal visions torment our minds
Pools of blood spreaded through the world
Christians cry in torment
Asking for help to their redeemer
WAR !!!
The black sunset breaks out the silence
The last scream of pain is heard
Death burns it's victims
Sending their souls to Hell
Feel the blade in your sacrifice
Now is the time to abjure Gods
The black war comes with the wind
There is neither Heaven nor Hell, but only war
Massacring the wons
Mutilating the fools
The black death empire
Exterminating without mercy
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Tag : Lirik Lagu Rock | Ali Afif
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