they're like an endless disease
invisible, painful, eternal
creatures fucked by a greedy past
since you are born
you want to make money and power
a simple fuel to the corrupt
way of mankind
hungry for living, to live like a slave
without knowing your master
you have no value, you're just another one
death will quench your hunger
hunger for confidence
to shake the hand of your best friend
and later to be betrayed
the law rules the mind of ignorance
hungry for pleasure
you act like a robot
the tears in your eyes
as red as blood
your pleasure is pain
your pleasure is torture
hunger is your pleasure
hungry for the future
Pemilik Situs Blogspot Lirik Lirik Lagu Rock Plus Plus hanya menyediakan Lirik Lagu Sepultura - Hungry, Adapun tentang hal lainnya yang bertalian dengan hal itu semisal ; RBT , NSP, Video KLIP, Link Download, Berita Terbaru, Kord/Chord Gitar dari Lirik Lagu Sepultura - Hungry, Kami tidak Menyediakannya, INI hanyalah Sebagai Kumpulan Arsip Lirik Lagu Rock Plus Plus saja, Sekedar berbagi, Barangkali saja ada manfaatnya, meskipun Lirik2 Lagu Rock beserta Lirik Lainnya Kami dapatkan dari penjelajahan Internet. Terimakasih.
Tag : Lirik Lagu Rock | Ali Afif
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